(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十二)CRISPR-Cas技術簡介 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (23) Introduction to CRISPR-Cas technology (14 September 2022)Description:In this talk, Dr Qi will first provide a general overview of the landscape of the cutting-edge CRISPR genome editing tools,...

(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十二)當社會企業家遇上科學(2022 年 8 月 10 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(二十二)當社會企業家遇上科學(2022年8月20日) Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (22) When Social Entrepreneurship meets Science! (10 August 2022)Description:East meets west, and social entrepreneurship meets science. These two subjects can achieve synergy and harmony. The social...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十一)農業生態系統中的高光譜遙感技術(2022 年 7 月 20 日)
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十一)農業生態系統中的高光譜遙感 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (21) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Agroecosystems (20 July 2022)Description:Over the years, hyperspectral remote sensing has become an increasingly important tool for agronomy research. In this...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十)Phenotyping as an indicator of genetic diversity in soybean (2022 年 6 月 17 日)
Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (20) Phenotyping as an indicator of genetic diversity in soybean (17 June 2022)Description:In the coming presentation, Prof. Ndomelele Ndiko Ludidi will focus on comparative qualitative and quantitative assessment of soybean lines as...
(活動回顧)(英語) 農業生物技術講座系列(十七)大豆種植、生產和質量保證(2022 年 3 月 18 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(十七)大豆種植、生產和質量保證(2022 年 3 月 18 日) Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (17) Soybean Cultivation, Production and Quality Assurance (18 March 2022)Description:Soybean is an important crop with high nutrition value for foods, feeds and industrial uses in the world....
(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(十八)改變農用化學品應用中不可持續做法的策略:中國南方的一個案例(2022 年 4 月 29 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(十八)改變農用化學品應用中不可持續做法的策略:中國南方的一個案例 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (18) Strategy to Change Unsustainable Practices in Agrochemical Application: A Case in Southern China (29 April 2022) Description:In this talk, Speaker Prof Lam shall introduce and analyze a...