(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十九)中國邁向可持續食品的未來:消費者的消費意識與政策影響 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (29) Towards a sustainable food future in China: Consumers' intention and policy implications (30 March 2022)Description:Food sustainability is one of the priorities of the global...

(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十八)評估常見環境中的內分泌幹擾化學物質對健康的影響(2023 年 2 月 8 日)
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十八)評估常見環境中的內分泌幹擾化學物質對健康的影響 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (28) Assessing health impacts of common environmental endocrine disruption chemicals (8 February 2023)Description:Both bisphenol A and pesticides are the common environmental estrogen...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十七)蚯蚓與可持續農業(2023 年 1月 18日)
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十七)蚯蚓與可持續農業 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (27) Earthworms for sustainable agriculture (18 January 2023)Description:Soil organisms play an important role as primary driving agents of nutrient cycling, soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十六)大豆昆蟲管理新方法的思考(2022 年 12 月 13 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(二十六)大豆昆蟲管理新方法的思考 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (26) : Thinking of novel ways for insect management in Soybean Description:In this talk, Dr Liao will introduce his recent work on isoprenoid and lipid biosynthesis and metabolism, and share with us his...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十五)大豆作為一種農業食品資源(2022 年 11 月 14 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(二十五)大豆作為一種農業食品資源 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (25) Soybean An Agri-food ResourceDescription:In this presentation, Dr Carrera will cover the following topics:1) World Scenarios: Climate, Yield, and Population Evolution.2) Soybean production, processing, and...
(活動回顧)(英語)農業生物技術講座系列(二十四)植物基因組測序的對象(2022 年 10 月 15 日)
農業生物技術講座系列(二十四)植物基因組測序的對象 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (24) For whom the plant genome has been sequenced Description:In recent years, the genomes of many plant species have been sequenced with the advancement NGS technologies. Usage of plant genome information has...