by SeedTec | Nov 15, 2021 | 全部主题, 全部地区, 农业新闻, 粮食安全, 2021, 香港, 气候变化, 中国内地, 台湾, 日韩, 东南亚, 澳纽, 美加, 欧洲, 非洲
by SeedTec | Nov 15, 2021 | 全部地區, 全部主題, 農業新聞, 香港, 糧食安全, 2021, 氣候變化, 中國內地, 台灣, 日韓, 東南亞, 澳紐, 美加, 歐洲, 非洲
by SeedTec | Nov 12, 2021 | Agrobiotechnology Talks, Events Recap
Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (13) Ancient Foods with Modern Benefits: An Overview of the Health Effects of Soyfoods Description: Soyfoods have been consumed for centuries but over the past 30 years, they have been rigorously investigated for their nutritional and...
by SeedTec | Nov 12, 2021 | 农业生物技术讲座, 活动回顾
农业生物技术讲座系列(十三)具有现代益处的古老食品:大豆食品对健康的影响概述 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (13) Ancient Foods with Modern Benefits: An Overview of the Health Effects of Soyfoods Description: Soyfoods have been consumed for centuries but over the past 30 years, they have been rigorously...
by SeedTec | Nov 12, 2021 | 農業生物技術講座, 活動回顧
農業生物技術講座系列(十三)具有現代益處的古老食品:大豆食品對健康的影響概述 Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (13) Ancient Foods with Modern Benefits: An Overview of the Health Effects of Soyfoods Description: Soyfoods have been consumed for centuries but over the past 30 years, they have been rigorously...