農業⽣物技術講座系列 (八) 農業⽣物技術的無形資產
Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (8) Intangible Assets of Agrobiotechnology
Intangible Assets of Agrobiotechnology comprise Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Plant Variety Rights, Database, Regulatory approvals, Internet and other information networks. This talk aims at exploring interactions of said assets. Most of the developed countries, such as the United States (US), Canadian and some Western countries, provide good IPRs which are Patents, Copyrights, Trademark and Trade secrets. The US also provide plant with a specific class of patent called “plant patent”. In these countries, agrobiotechnology intangible assets are mostly controlled by the private sector. In the developing countries, government will usually play more roles: sponsor, facilitator and regulator for most activities. The target audience includes international scholars, researchers, agricultural industry as well as the general public.