(活动回顾)(英语) 农业生物技术讲座系列 (四) 数码转型对农产品的影响及评估市场趋势的⽅法 (2021年2月16日)

POSTED ON 5 月 14, 2021

农业生物技术讲座系列 (四) 数码转型对农产品的影响及评估市场趋势的⽅法

Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (4) Digital Transformations Effects on Agricultural Products and Methods to Assess Market Trends


Technological advances have greatly changed our lives and specially the market place for agricultural products, where producers have a larger market reach that comes with an increased competition and more diversity in consumers’ demands. These changes bring new challenges but also opportunities for producers that are able to adapt and embrace new technologies.

This talk introduces digital transformations effects on agricultural products as well as methods to assess market trends. The target audience includes international scholars, researchers, agricultural industry as well as the general public.