(活动回顾)(英语) 农业生物技术讲座系列 (七) 粮食与食品:中国饮食文化中的⼤豆 (2021年5月12日)

POSTED ON 5 月 14, 2021

农业生物技术讲座 (七)粮食与食品:中国饮食文化中的⼤豆

Agrobiotechnology Talk Series (7) Crop and Food: Soybean in Chinese Food Culture 


Though not a staple food for the Chinese like rice, wheat or millet, soybean has a unique role in Chinese food culture. This talk takes the example of the history of soy sauce to illustrate this point. It focuses on two time periods: the late imperial period when soy sauce became a popular everyday condiment, and in the early 21st century when soy sauce is increasingly considered as a heritage food. We shall look at how such changes are closely related to, among other things, significant shifts in soybean cultivation in its long history: as an indigenous food crop and as a global commodity. The target audience includes international scholars, researchers, agricultural industry as well as the general public.